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Transcripts from Quarantine: February 6th

Transcripts from Quarantine: February 6th

February 6, 2021

3am: Shepherd wakes to eat, he went a little longer than he normally goes. I feed him and then he lays in his bassinet yelling for an hour. How can such a small person yell so loudly?

6:15am: Shepherd wakes up. He eats and then rolls around his bassinet yelling for another half hour until I finally give in and get up with him. I’m feeling exhausted and my headache and stuffy nose are still present. I’m also a little achy. This sickness feels like it’s dragging on forever.

8am: Shepherd is really cranky today but he doesn’t seem sick. Ransom is totally back to normal at this point and is already terrorizing the house.

10am: Ransom watches StoryBots and the Viking and I take the opportunity to do some chores.

12pm: Ransom goes down for a nap but doesn’t sleep. Rolls around his crib talking for 45 minutes or so before finally falling sleep. At one point after ransom falls asleep, the Viking has been trying for 20 mins to get Shepherd to sleep he looks at me and asks “Do you think he’ll ever go back to sleep?” Thank goodness we got the baby swing out last week, I don’t know how we would have survived this without it. I do some more work while both boys are sleeping. The Viking feels well enough to do a small project for his Jeep.

3pm: Ransom gets up from his nap and plays well independently for awhile. He got some new Cinderella toys (his favorite movie) from a friend so he’s lining them all up on all the surfaces and talking to them.

4:30pm: The Viking takes ransom out to ride his bike, and with herculean effort I fold two loads of laundry and put them away.

7pm: Shepherd goes to bed, and Ransom, the Viking and I play the “blue game” which consists of throwing around and empty diaper genie bag holder like a frisbee.

8pm: bedtime for me. I’m not feeling particularly bad I’m just exhausted and the extra sleep certainly won’t hurt.

Final Thoughts on Covid

Final Thoughts on Covid

Transcripts from Quarantine: February 5

Transcripts from Quarantine: February 5