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Transcripts from Quarantine: February 5

Transcripts from Quarantine: February 5

February 5, 2021

7am: Last night was surprisingly uneventful. Shepherd woke to eat at his normal times and fell back asleep quickly. The insomnia is gone I guess because I slept as well as a person does when they have an infant. When I woke up this morning I was mostly just get tired. A little headachy, a little body achy, but nothing compared to the last couple days. The Viking is also better, but his headache is persistent. 

9am: Got some good news about taxes this year and had a dance party with Ransom. I think I used up all the energy I had for the day, and my lungs are burning from the exertion. I feel like I just climbed a 14er. Ransom, on the other hand has so much energy I’m not really sure what to do with him. 

10:15am: I start some shooting on a project I’ve been working on for awhile. Any sort of physical activity, including doing the dishes, makes me sweat even though it’s not that warm in our house. Is this what menopause is like? 

12:00pm: Ransom finally goes to sleep. He’s been having meltdown after meltdown for the last hour, so we’re not sad it’s time for nap. Shepherd is grumpy and clingy, but doesn’t seem sick. I think he’s going through a developmental leap. That would explain the grumpiness in the absence of sick symptoms. 

3pm: I let my meds wear off and I’m super hungry. It’s a terrible combination. I have to clean up all my equipment before Ransom wakes up though because he has no chill when he sees my gear. I’m also hoping to sneak in a short nap before the toddler wakes up. No dice. The second I sit down to eat after cleaning up I hear him talking in his room. I’m exhausted because I was tired to begin with and then I worked for four hours. 

3:30pm: The Viking takes Ransom out to ride his bike. They stay close to the driveway and avoid any neighbors. After that he lets Ransom use the drill to put some screws in wood. Ransom thinks this is awesome. 

6pm: More meltdowns. We finally give in and turn on some tv. Have I mentioned that I’ve had the story bots theme song stuck in my head all day? 

7:30pm: Bedtime for Ransom. After he’s safely asleep in his crib I take a bath, my nose is feeling especially congested now. It’s starting to feel more like a cold than a flu. I guess that’s a good sign. 

10pm: Bedtime. 

Transcripts from Quarantine: February 6th

Transcripts from Quarantine: February 6th

Transcripts from Quarantine: February 4

Transcripts from Quarantine: February 4