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Transcripts from Quarantine: February 4

Transcripts from Quarantine: February 4

February 4, 2021

4:30am: Ransom wakes up crying. Doesn’t seem like a pain/sick cry but I go in there anyway. Though tears he asks me “Where’s the dinosaurs milk go?” Since I don’t really have an answer to that question I just rock him back to sleep. Must have been a bad dream. 

7am: The boys are ready to wake up for the day, but I’m feeling worse. The headache is back and so are the body aches and pressure in my chest. My congestion is also worse. The Viking brings me some meds and gets the boys up and starts breakfast. That extra half hour to lay in bed and let the meds kick in are very helpful. 

8:30am: Shepherd clearly need a nap but he’s fighting it so hard. He’s tired and slightly warm, and seems out of sorts today. I give him some Tylenol and some milk and he finally gives in. Ransom is definitely feeling better today based on how loud he’s being. The Vikings main complaint today is his sore throat. Seems the headache and body aches are a little better today. 

11:30am: Shepherd is really cranky and having a tough time. At a certain point I just have to put him in the sing and hope for the best. Mercifully he falls asleep. I lay on the couch feeling like crap while Brian is on a work call. Ransom destroys things and I mostly let it happen. 

12:30pm: Shepherd is still sleeping in the swing, and Ransom is down for a nap. The Viking takes over keeping an eye on Shep and I take a nap. It’s the first time I’ve actually been able to sleep when I try and nap during the day with covid. This sickness is the worst because it makes you sick, but also keeps you from sleeping and getting better. 0/10 recommend. 

2:45pm: I get up from my nap. It definitely helped but I still feel exhausted and achy. Ransom wants me to hold his elephant and say hi, but I can’t tell you how little of me wants to do that right now. He doesn’t take well to being told no. 

4pm: The Viking takes Ransom for a drive. They’re not going get out of the car, but even just looking out the window will help with Ransom’s energy levels. Shepherd sleeps in the swing again. I slowly pickup the house, and then sit down for a cup of tea in the silence. 

6:15pm: Shepherd is so cranky I put him to bed super early. He doesn’t mind at all. 

10pm: Head to bed. I’m exhausted, I hope I sleep. 

Transcripts from Quarantine: February 5

Transcripts from Quarantine: February 5

Transcripts from Quarantine: February 3

Transcripts from Quarantine: February 3