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Transcripts from Quarantine: February 3

Transcripts from Quarantine: February 3

February 3rd, 2021

2:30am: Feed Shepherd. My skin is super tingly and sensitive and holding him to feed him feels really uncomfortable. He eats well and goes back to sleep. Thankfully I fall back asleep quickly. 

6:30am: Shepherd wakes. All my meds have worn off and I feel okay, the headache is mild, and I don’t have any chills or sensitive skin. It’s probably too early to say I’m feeling better? 

7:30am: Got some chewable medicine for Ransom and he basically thinks it candy. He’s definitely not feeling well, but perks up after breakfast and meds. 

9am: Shepherd has a bit of an elevated temperature and seems a little cranky. It’s not a fever but it makes me nervous. I give him a half dose of Tylenol. The Viking still feels horrible and has to go lay down for a nap. He still has a headache and body aches and a stuffy nose. His newest symptom is a super sore throat. 

10:30am: My meds wear off and I still feel okay. I’ve heard covid kind of comes and goes so I shouldn’t get my hopes up that this is over. 

1pm: I feel well enough to try and do a little work. 

3pm: A very cranky toddler wakes up from his nap. When he finally allows me to hold him he asks for a pbj, and we make one for him together. His external symptoms are fatigue and crankiness but I’m sure he’s feeling sick in ways he doesn’t know how to communicate with me. Shepherds temp has been slightly elevated all day, but his mood has been normal and he doesn’t seem sick. I’m still keeping a close eye on him. I compulsively take his temperature at least every hour. 

4pm: The body aches are back and I take more meds. Thankfully the headache is still gone. I’m really tired. Definitely getting takeout for dinner. 

6pm: Ransom watches another after dinner move. I’m slightly afraid we’re gonna have trouble when the nightly movies stop, but that’s a problem we’ll deal with when we are healthy and have the resilience to withstand the tantrum that will inevitably ensue. 

7:30pm: Both boys are tired and cranky and need to go to bed at the same time. Brian is on a zoom call for work. He ends up holding a fussy baby on his call while I put Ransom to bed. Shepherd is asleep within minutes.

9pm: Bed time for me. I check Shepherds temperature with my hand when I go to bed. No fever. It’s impressive to me that when I became a mom I could all of a sudden distinguish a fever from a slightly elevated temp by touch. 

10pm: Cant sleep. Might as well feed Shepherd. 

Transcripts from Quarantine: February 4

Transcripts from Quarantine: February 4

Transcripts from Quarantine: February 2

Transcripts from Quarantine: February 2