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Transcripts from Quarantine: February 2

Transcripts from Quarantine: February 2

February 2, 2021 

1:45am: Shepherd wakes for a feeding. He eats great and falls back asleep. I’m freezing and my skin is super sensitive. I take some ibuprofen and add another blanket. I toss and turn because of my nasal congestion and I can’t sleep. Is insomnia a covid symptom? I’ll Google it in the morning. An hour later I still haven’t fallen asleep and now I’m wayy too warm and I’m sweating. I throw off all the covers to cool off. My temperature eventually evens out and I fall back asleep. 

6am: Shepherd wakes for a feeding. Eats well and goes back to sleep. I take some ibuprofen because I’m realizing that I’m having these weird temperature swings whenever the ibuprofen wears off. 

6:15am: Ransom starts crying. This is early for him to wake up and he sounds like he doesn’t feel well. I get some Tylenol and thankfully he takes it without much fuss. I rock him back to sleep. No fever, but seems a little warm. 

6:30am: I can’t fall back asleep, so I get up and make coffee to confirm that I can still taste and smell. I can. I’m relieved. Feeling worse today. More congested, body aches and the headache is so much worse. It throbs every time I bend over, which happens frequently with small children. It feels like it originates at the base of my skull, but also in my temples. I’m hoping that ibuprofen kicks in soon. 

7:30am: I get ransom up for the day. He says he feels “burpy” when I go to get him. I don’t know what that means. Shepherd seems totally fine. Still a little clingy, but he was happy to see me and smiling when I got him up. I’m so glad he’s doing well all of this should be so much worse if he was really sick. 

9am: I check for our test results and Shepherd and I have tested negative. Not really sure what to do with those results, because clearly were both sick and Brian tested positive. Maybe we got tested too early? Ransom watches wayy too much Daniel Tiger. 

10:30am: I double check the test results, and I realize that the negative test I saw on my medical record is from September, and my test from yesterday hasn’t been updated. Clearly I’m not 100% at the moment. I confirmed the date on Shepherds test, and he’s definitely negative. All the antibodies in my breast milk I guess? 

11am: starting to feel some heaviness/tightness in my chest. Shits about to get real. 

11:30am: got my test results back. Im positive for Covid-19.

2:30pm: accidentally left my meds wear off. Body aches, fatigue, headache, pressure in my chest and I’m cold. 

3:15pm: holy grumpy toddler. Post nap ransom is not feeling cooperative and I had to bribe him with an episode of Daniel Tiger. It’s rare for me to resort to bribes, but desperate time... He’s definitely not feeling well, even if he doesn’t have a fever. 

4:30pm: Even though we’re feeling badly it’s 63 outside so we hang out on the porch. Maybe the sun will kill the virus. Bust out a bubble gun from the bag of toys Chelsea dropped off. It’s a big hit. 10/10

5pm: I ask the Viking where he’s at on a scale of 1-10 if 10 is bedridden. He says he’s a 6 or 7. He makes dinner anyway. 

8pm: Kids are finally in bed. My headache is worse and I’m a little warm, although I don’t have a fever. Heading to bed, hoping that the boys sleep well, and we don’t have any middle of the night battles with  a toddler over taking medicine. 

9pm: can’t sleep. I oscillate between too cold and too hot and I toss back and forth from my stuffy nose. 

10:15: Feed Shepherd. Apparently I fell asleep for a little bit because I wake up in a daze. He eats well and goes back to sleep. I take some Tylenol, because I’ve started alternating ibuprofen and Tylenol to help with symptoms. 

Transcripts from Quarantine: February 3

Transcripts from Quarantine: February 3

Transcripts from Quarantine: February 1

Transcripts from Quarantine: February 1