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Transcripts from Quarantine: February 1

Transcripts from Quarantine: February 1

February 1, 2021 

2:30am: Shepherd wakes for a feeding. No fever, and his breathing seems normal. He eats like a champ and goes back to sleep. I am SO COLD. I pile on an extra blanket and go back to sleep. 

4:30am: Shepherd wakes for another feeding. He doesn’t usually wake up twice a night, but he’s sick, so it’s not unexpected. Still no fever, and he eats well and goes back to sleep. I’m drenched in sweat. I can’t sleep, so I get up and take some ibuprofen and get some water. The Viking sleeps the entire night, and I feel frustrated that he gets to sleep all night

when I’m sick too and I have to take care of the kids. Either he is sicker than me, or he’s more of a wuss. I remind myself that it’s not a competition for who’s sicker, and that this sucks for everyone. I eventually fall back asleep. 

7:30am: I get both of the boys up for the day. I’m feeling worse. Same stuff. Body aches, congestion, fatigue, and headache. So far it feels a lot like having a cold while being pregnant. The Viking feels like trash. Splitting headache, congestion, body aches. No fever though. I bring him some Ibuprofen and water. Shepherd seems better today. He’s happier and his raspy voice is mostly gone. Ransom is normal. 

10am: Aunt Traci sends us Instacart with some supples for our quarantine. Delivery includes some new construction truck toys for Ransom. Keeps him occupied for a good two hours, and his parents are quite thankful. 

11:30am: Shepherd and I get covid tests. They swab the inside of our noses and hold it for 10 seconds. Uncomfortable but not as bad as the rapid test apparently. Shepherd does well, but is pretty pissed we woke him up from his nap to swab is nose. We head home to wait for results. Should have them sometime tomorrow. I have little doubt that we have covid. 

12pm: We get home and I realize that as long as I keep the ibuprofen rolling on time I feel okay. The Viking is feeling a little better than he was in the morning. It’s probably the ibuprofen. He still can’t taste or smell, we have a lot of conversations about the texture of food. Apparently broccoli has a nice texture. Shepherd wants to be held a lot, but he’s doing fine.

4pm: A friend drops off a bag full of toddler toys and activities and a door dash gift card. Literally exactly what we need to get through quarantine with a toddler. 

6pm: Ransom watches another after dinner movie, by the end he seems like he’s not feeling well and his temp is slightly elevated. Not a fever, but definitely warm. Had a small power struggle over taking the Tylenol but eventually he took it on his own. I hate forcing medicine on him so I was relieved. 

7:30pm: Wanted daddy to put him to bed so the Viking rallied and put him to bed. 

8pm: I go to bed. I’m so cold, but fall asleep quickly. 

Transcripts from Quarantine: February 2

Transcripts from Quarantine: February 2

Transcripts from Quarantine

Transcripts from Quarantine