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Transcripts from Quarantine

Transcripts from Quarantine

January 31st 2021

6am: the Viking wakes me up to tell me he can’t taste or smell. He’s already called into work, and is planning on finding a place to get a rapid test. I also feel a little off. Body aches, congestion and a headache. Took some ibuprofen. Shepherd is also sick, and has been for a couple days. I thought it was a common cold. Ransom seems a little cranky, but not sick. 

11am: the Viking leaves for his rapid test. 

11:30am: gets his test. Apparently it’s a swab that goes deep into the sinuses and they hold it there for 3 seconds. Both nostrils. 

12pm: Gets a call confirming that his test is positive. We initiate our covid response plan, including letting our families know, and calling or texting anyone who we’ve been in contact with over the last week. Turns out it’s kind of a lot of people. #pastorlife he cancels everything for the week. 

1pm: I know things are gonna get worse so I start trying to get all the laundry and cleaning done. I feel pretty chill about having covid in our house. If Shepherd takes a turn for the worse, then I’ll freak the f*ck out, but for now it seems manageable. I’m also feeling thankful that he’s almost 4 months, and not 4 weeks. 

2pm: chat with a doctor, to see if I can give Shepherd Tylenol for his symptoms. Dr recommends that I get him tested, so I schedule covid tests for him and I. 

4pm: That ibuprofen has definitely worn off. Body aches, headache and stuffy nose. The Viking is slowly feeling worse and worse. Shepherd seems okay, and Ransom is his normal 4 o’clock self. 

9pm: Brian and I go to bed. It’s gonna be a long night. 

Transcripts from Quarantine: February 1

Transcripts from Quarantine: February 1

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