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Goal Pants

Goal Pants

Goal pants. You know, the ones that sit in the back of your closet, or the bottom of the drawer, and you keep them because you think “Someday I’ll fit in those again.” For me they’re a pair of black J brand jeans that I found at a thrift store (naturally) awhile back. I’ve been in and out of these pants over the last few years. I usually cant wear them around Christmas time… I haven’t figured out why that is…

JK. Its definitely the cookies.

Exactly one year and twenty three days after having a baby, I fit back into my goal pants. If you count pregnancy, I haven’t fit into these pants in two years. What have I done to achieve this miracle?


I’ve done nothing. Unless you count doing my best to give myself a lot of grace over the last two years as my body has gone from goal pants, to leggings and yoga pants, to maternity pants, to yoga pants and leggings again, to super stretched out jeans, to regular jeans, to goal pants again. That process took two years. TWO YEARS.

You don’t have to fit into your goal pants at two months post partum. You don’t have to fit into your goal pants at two years post partum. You do have to have grace for yourself. Maybe that means buying a new pair of goal pants that fit you right now where you are and make you feel like a damn goddess. Maybe that means getting rid of your goal pants all together and accepting your body the way it is, and making that your goal. Maybe you should choose a different pair of goal pants, not the tiny pants you wore when you were a senior in high school, before you even had hips. I don’t know what it is for you.

But whatever it is, your value is not in what size of pants you wear. So knock it off.

Unexpected Hiatus

Unexpected Hiatus

Don’t stay little, little one.

Don’t stay little, little one.