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Inside out day

Inside out day

This week is Ransom’s inside out day. Its crazy that this super curious, active and friendly little baby was as big as an over sized zucchini and came out of my vagina 9-ish months ago. I’ve been a mom for 9 months.

I was telling the Viking this morning that even with how much time I spend chasing my little crawler around and keeping him out of dangerous things/keeping him alive I definitely prefer this stage to anything before 6 months of age. I value independence in my own life, so the fact that he can crawl over to something if he wants to is such a relief to me. As my best friend once put it, “Babyhood isn’t my favorite stage of personhood.” She now has a two year old, so I’m not sure she still feels that way, but at the moment I agree with her.

I enjoy watching him be curious about things. The tiny speck on the floor, the buttons on my shirt, the stick in the grass are all so incredibly engrossing to him. It’s like you can see him learning things before your eyes. The Viking is really good about pausing and letting Ransom touch the leaves on the trees, and taking the time to let him be curious about whatever has caught his attention.

As he has gained more independence and — lets be honest — started sleeping through the night, I’ve felt more at peace with my mom hat. The upheaval and changes that a baby brings into life have become more normal and I’m really thankful for that. My old life is ruined and gone, but I’m not that mad about it anymore.

Happy inside out day, little one. You sure changed things around here.



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The Unexpected Benefits of Going to Church with a Baby