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10 years

10 years

In 2006 I walked in to the cafeteria at camp a couple days late to staff training. I distinctly remember a super tall blonde dude with adolescent stubble on his chin sitting on the floor next to a bunch of other “staffies.” 

I didn’t think much of it at the time… little did I know. 

Fast forward 14 years and here I am. Married to that guy who now has a full grown man beard (Fun Fact: I haven’t actually seen his chin in at least 8 years) and I am mother to his children. Who knew. 

Today is our 10th wedding anniversary. And while I still don’t think I’m old enough to have been married for 10 years, I’m happy they’ve all been with him. 

I think I can truly say that I wouldn’t be who I am now without him. We met when I was 15. Smack dab in the middle of the tumultuous years of adolescence. When emotions and hormones were at an all time high. He saw me through some dark days of depression, and all the faith questioning that happens during those years. He was my best friend and the only one who I felt like “got me” which you know, is very important in high school. He was there for me through the highs and lows of our twenties, with crappy jobs and even crappier apartments. We’ve grown up together. My relationship with him has shaped who I am irrevocably.

I have him to thank for warming up my “coolness.” 

I have him to thank for forcing me to go to parties, and teaching me the importance of community. 

I have him to thank for his unshakable support as I pursue my goals. 

I have him to thank for helping me see the value in taking a stand for things you believe in. 

I have him to thank for being a sounding board when I need someone to help me get out of my own head.  

I have him to thank for two beautiful little boys that will grow up to be wonderful men, just like him. 

I have him to thank for always pushing me to be better even when I don’t want to be pushed.

Marry someone who sharpens you. Its the best decision I’ve ever made. 

10/10 would recommend. 

Here’s to more decades together, my love.

You matter.

You matter.

